Hello NPN’ers,
It’s been an excellent month at NPN. Lots of people are taking advantage of our “$10 cash back” promotion when upgrading to DIRECTOR. I’ve ‘given out’ many $10 bonuses for next month. If you missed the last update regarding this promotion, login to your NPN backoffice and click on the link in the left menu that says “Psst… want $10 FREE?”, all the information is there. I’d highly recommend you take advantage of it now while it’s available, it might not be here next month..
1. Payday Update: If you received commissions this month I’d ask that you please post in our forum to let your prospects know that we’re making money here at GlobalNPN!
Please post in this forum: http://thenpn.biz/thebb3/viewforum.php?f=6
2. Entry Ads: Remember that there are always entry ads available to our members – these are the ads you see when you first log in to your backoffice. These ads can be highly successful since you’re advertising to the best type of prospects in the business (paying ones!). Check out this update here: http://thenpn.biz/thebb3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2173&p=5418 . These ads pull clicks and sales. Click on “Entry Ads” in your backoffice for more info.
3. Just a side note to let eveyone know that we’ve passed the 120,000 member mark! We’ve been steadily growing for 5 years now, another milestone has been reached! Thanks!
Feel free to comment below..
Stay tuned for more..
Have a great day.
– Geoff Stephen
CEO, GlobalNPN.Com/WebShooter Ltd.
Great news Geoff.. GlobalNPN is my #1 Downline MLM..
Alan Chapman
Здравствуйте Джеф!
Я сейчас делаю первые шаги в Вашем бизнесе. Но я поставил перед собой цель – добиться больших успеов и надеюсь с вашей помощю. В настоящее вреья есть ещё много вопросов. Стараюсь идти последовательно, но основательно. Потому не тороплюсь распыляться в разные стороны.
С уважением
Виктор Кривуляк
WOW awesome news and love your program – the tools you have in the backoffice is wonderful and thanks for paying on time each month – my Alertpay account is in shock to have money in it woooooooohoooooooo
Skype: nancyradlinger
Yes indeed it is a great program.
So many good tools in this paying program.
Thanks for payments
this is world best proggram i like it
Hi Geoff,
I can definitely vouch for entry ads. Our team system has grown enormously this last couple of weeks as our member are taking advantage of this great product!
Looking forward to all of the positive changes in NPN….just the best place to be on the internet!
I recommend that you keep the promotion! Lots of people are taking advantage of $10 cash back” promotion when upgrading to DIRECTOR!
I loved the tools of the NPN and the business opportunity, excellent bonus. I live in Brazil and will disclose the NPN here among Brazilians, working with MLM marketing since 2001, all we want is that the NPN PAYPAL as another payment option. Because PayPal has an agreement with Brazilian banks to receive fees in the current account. Thank you and Success to all!
It’s great news. I just joined 3 days ago. I’m very glad to be part of Global Npn.
Dear Friends,
I have been marketing online for four years now, I started with Global Resorts Network and also I promote Infinity 900 which have both been very good to me. But none of those opportunities get me has excited as Global NPN. The reason for this is the two fold firstly the price. Where else can you buy into a opportunity what could earn you $47,000 with just 1 $10.75 referral a month. Sounds crazy I know but it is true, and don’t forget it only costs YOU $10.75 a month to be a member. The second reason why it is such a winner is the amazing internet marketing tools what you get all part of the $10.75 a month.
Visit to Join:http://globalnpn.com/?id=118161
For Joining Please contact
Kuldeep Kumar -9990529285 (Delhi)
Every month is better then the last! My dad and I (Dave & Steve Goodwin) have been getting paid monthly for over 4 years now! We love this program and the effort that you and everyone else has put into it over the years! Keep up the wonderful work!
all my dear friends,
this is a new era of my personal life for start something for me in economical sector.
i want say thanks to Global NPN team for join me as well as my sir Mr. K.N.Patil who is provide path to this amazing organization……
thanls a lot to all my dear friends again
Hello, Jeff
First I want to say a big THANK YOU for NPN the product and the business plan.
It’s great.
I just wondered if thought about translating NPN site to other languages to make it easier to distribute it around the world.
Personally I want NPN to be in Hebrew too.
Thank again
Guy Harduf
Sorry, just noticed you spelling your name Jeoff.
Actually it’s Geoff
dear admin
what is the right day when we will get our commison and just tell me how many langauge i see our system and how..
Great news, great tools, great project!