
8 thoughts on “hugefreetraffic”

  1. Hi Geoff,

    So unless I upgrade I cannot make any money, is that it?
    What about the free option, we have no back office?


  2. Hello My Dear Geoff,
    Thanks a lot to make me join here & I will try my best to upgrade as soon as I can.
    Warm Regards !

  3. Hello Geoff,

    Does the Lead Skimmer program just locate an copy email addresses from
    our inbox emails that we can use to send out an advertisement for GlobalNPN?
    I will log into the Global NPN area and look for sample emails that I can
    use on Safelists , Manual Surf sites and Text Ad Exchanges so that I can send out
    solo ads promoting global NPN. OK?

    I have been very quiet this past month as I had a very serious car accident at
    the end of June, and I am rearranging my office so I will be able to do all
    of my work at home, and not need to go out during the daytime. If I do go out,
    it is with my son, or I travel by bus.

    Best regards,

    Peter J. Kowalchuk,
    Edmonton, Ab.

  4. Hello Geoff,
    If I can get some leads from Lead, I would appreciate it
    very much,
    I can send more out more solos for Global NPN.

    Best regards,
    Peter J. Kowalchuk,
    Edmonton Ab.
    PS I have daily ads showing on I Love Hits and other
    Manual traffic Exchanges.

    I am going to start sending ads out on about 600 safelists
    on Balco Hosting today as well.


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